Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Biobottle & project

My biobottle is growing very well. Over the weekend the grass got really tall and green. But my fish is dead and it correlates directly with the growth of the grass. The nutrients are all used up by the grass and none were left for te fish to use. The temperature and water quality are mostly steady and balanced. Our nature trail project is going very well and we are setting the date for the clean up right now.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nature Trail Blog

1. mushroom; producer
2. butterfly;consumer
3. people;secondary consumer
4. squirrel;consumer
5. grass;producer
6. trees;producer
7. posion ivy;producer
8. frog;consumer
9. birds;consumer
11.duck weed;producer
14.rose bush;producer
15.bee; consumer

The nature trail is very important to our community because it is a valuable resource for us to use. It also is a spot for alot of plant and animal life to flourish! We are extremely lucky to have it in our immediate vicinty. I use the nature trail all the time actually in the summer to walk my dog and my sister and dad use it to go for runs.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

biobottle project

In our project we are goin to test the water quality, temperature, & dissolved oxygen of our terraqua biobottles. One is going to be in natural light, bright light & no light. our bottles have all the same factors except for light. It will be a good test of how ecosystems thrive in different enviroments. It is an awesome project and im really excited!

Friday, October 9, 2009

project reflection

Our nature trail project is going really awesome! Me and Ona have actually gone out there and taken a look at what needs to be done and made a video about the trail. we are setting up dates to work on it and want to get a majority of the community to help out. Dr. defrance said that our project was good but that we need to talk to Bill about the trees were are gonna do stuff to, like clear out and plant new ones. This trail is gonna need alot of effort but it will be worth it for the generations beyond ours that will use the trail & learn from it!

i did them...c? lol

Climate Blog
One of the types of storms/natural disasters that occur in the climate are tornadoes. They are rotating columns of air that are in cotact with the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud. Tornadoes cause a great deal of damage and occur in the United States alot. They have the most recorded tornadoes of any country.

A hurricane is a storm system that is characterized by a large low pressure center and numerous thundrstorms that produce very strong winds and heavy rains. Hurricanes can cause alot of damage and create alot of inland flooding, mostly affecting the coastal regions of countries.

Hurricanes & tornadoes are both powerful forces of nature not to be messed with. If one is in your area it is best to take shelter!
Posted by SiErRa!!!!!!!!!! at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
2nd green wish & equinox
I wish that our school would have a recycling program and that everyone would become more involved.

EQUINOX & 2nd wish

The equinox happens twice a year once in the spring and once again in the fall. It happens because the sun is vertically above the equator, and is not tipped away or towards the Earth. During this rare occcurence the night and day are an equal amount of time. They are both 12 hours long.. After the fall equinox the days become shorter and after the spring one they become longer. The days this happen are March 20/21 and September 22/23.
Posted by SiErRa!!!!!!!!!! at 9:42 AM 0 comments